Computational Thinking
Computational thinking is a problem-solving methodology
that has strong connections to mathematics and the mathematics curriculum.
It is based on the processes of abstraction, decomposition, pattern recognition and algorithm design.

Computational thinking is explicitly included in the content descriptions and elaborations of the revised Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics Version 9.0 (ACv9) and the Victorian Curriculum: Mathematics Version 2.0 (VCv2), as well as the aims and outcomes of the VCE Mathematics study design 2023 – 2027.
Our work includes support for:
- unpacking computational thinking and its connection to mathematics and the mathematics curriculum. This can be working with schools to build teacher understanding through active engagement with tasks and developing a whole school approach and plan
- designing learning activities and assessment tasks that incorporate computational thinking for the revised ACv9 and VCv2.
- designing learning activities and assessment tasks that incorporate computational thinking for the revised VCE Mathematics study design 2023 – 2027
- computational thinking in mathematical investigations