Research and Strategy
We can conduct research and provide strategic and policy advice according to your brief.

Some examples of our past work are:
- One of a team of four writers that developed the new Australian Curriculum: Mathematics V9 under the direction of ACARA Executive and Board. This also involved comprehensive consultation with jurisdictional reference groups, education authorities and departments, as well as other key stakeholders.
- Co-led strategy for digital transformation in Pearson’s publishing portfolio, with a focus on transforming research evidence into practices that can be incorporated into learning and resource design for print, blended and digital only modes of delivery.
- Victoria, along with Denmark, was one of the first systems in the world to incorporate the use of CAS technology in high-stakes final senior secondary mathematics exams. This work was led and managed, from conceptualisation, strategic directions and policy, through to pilot and transition to full implementation.
- Developed and implemented the Texas Instruments Australia, Train the Trainer (T3) accreditation framework in 2004. The framework has three levels (Local, Regional, National), each with their own set of requirements for reaccreditation on a biennial basis, with 15 – 30 trainers accredited at any one time.
- Co-writer for the National Statements of Learning for Mathematics (2006 – 2016), commissioned by MCEETYA to ‘define and deliver common curriculum outcomes to be used by jurisdictions to inform their own curriculum development’. NAPLAN was based on these until 2016.
- Curriculum benchmarking with respect to selected national and international jurisdictions and systems to provide an evidence base for curriculum design and development, refinement or review work. (e.g., Australian states and territories, NZ, UK, Ontario, British Columbia, Finland, Denmark, California, College Board Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Japan, PR China)
- Led the following curriculum development, implementation and review cycles:
- Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Mathematics study designs
(2000 – 2005, 2006 – 2009, 2010 – 2015, 2016 – 2022, 2023 – 2027) - Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Mathematics (2005 – 2011)
- Mathematics Curriculum and Standards Framework II (2000 – 2004)
- Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Mathematics study designs